Monday, November 12, 2007

Thinking About the Election

I like to poke around the NY Times' politics site and look for ways to force-feed myself the latest election updates without actually having to read anything. Thankfully, the Times makes it really easy on me. Their latest invention is a slide show entitled "This Is Your Brain on Politics." Man, they have cool multimedia AND cool titles.

Here's how they explain the "opinion" piece: "In anticipation of the 2008 presidential election, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to watch the brains of a group of swing voters as they responded to the leading presidential candidates. Our results reveal some voter impressions on which this election may well turn."

Check it out.

Pretty cool, huh? It makes me wonder what my brain looks like when I see pictures of the candidates. Sigh...I bet my magnetic resonance brain image would turn pretty orange for Stephen Colbert.

Yeah -- this is a creative idea. But "impressions on which this election may well turn?" I'm not convinced, just entertained.

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